Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tagay! Tay!


My daddy is fond of traveling whether in the Philippines or out of the country. In his work he was given a free stay in Taal Vista Hotel 
in Tagaytay, so my dad brought us there, it was my first time in Tagaytay so I was so excited for the trip. From NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport), it took us almost two hours to reach the place. I realized the place was elevated so it was cold, I also found out that Taal Volcano can be seen over our hotel, I really don’t know that Taal Volcano is in Tagaytay (haha).  We ate in a restaurant that offers the unique fish that can be seen in the waters surrounding the volcano. The food was pretty good actually and I ate a little more. Going down to the Volcano, people there will chase you even in rain or shine just so you would rent their boat to have a tour in the main crater of the volcano. When you’re in that place, it seems that you are on the top of the world because everything around you is overlooking. We spent three days in Tagaytay and that three days away from home is super fun! I know you’re planning to go there too. Who would not? Right?

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this is my story. i know it's not that interesting. but i assure you all readers that maybe one of you will find this story amazing. it's either you who's reading this now or the person who will visit my blog spot next to you. ;)